The Agreements on this page are in accordance with the Australian Standard series AS 4349 “Inspections of Buildings” and include the defined purpose, scope, acceptance criteria and associated terms and conditions of inspection and report.

Pre-Engagement Inspection Agreement - Pre-Purchase Property Report
For a standard inspection report carried out in accordance with AS 4349.1 “Inspection of buildings - Pre-purchase inspections - Residential buildings”. This Agreement is based on methodology and principals set out in the current Report Systems Australia Handbook “Standard Property Inspection Reports - Residential Buildings, Uniform Inspection Guidelines for Building Consultants”.

Pre-Engagement Inspection Agreement – Timber Pest Detection Report
For a standard inspection report carried out in accordance with AS 4349.3 “Inspection of buildings – Timber pest inspections”. This Agreement is based on methodology and principals set out in the current Report Systems Australia Handbook “Standard Timber Pest Detection Reports, Uniform Inspection Guidelines For Timber Pest Detection Consultants”.

Pre-Engagement Inspection Agreement – Property & Timber Pest Detection Report
For a combined standard inspection report carried out in accordance with the above criteria.